Friday, October 30, 2009

Tapped Out and Pointe and Shoot --By Natalie M. Roberts

Tapped Out and Pointe and Shoot are romantic murder mysteries by Natalie M. Roberts. They are books 2 and 3 in the Jenny T. Partridge Dance Mystery series. I have not read book 1, Tutu Deadly, as it is not available in my library system, and it is only available on Amazon as a used book and in the $30 large print addition.

I have a weakness for chick-lit murder mysteries, and I read a bunch of them. I will go to the library, find 4 books in a series, and check out all 4, reading them consecutively. They are a good way to cleanse the mind after reading things that are a bit, umm...... deeper. In reading so many of these books, I find a tendency for these books to go down hill after the first one or two: the heroine gets eccentric to an unusual degree; inherently wealthy and handsome cop/detective boyfriends (could a boyfriend ever be a poor, average looking guy?) start being flighty.... And I get tired of them, but feel the need to finish the book and usually the series.

That being said, both of the Jenny T. Partridge books were pretty good. Jenny is relatable and a likable, if ditsy, lead character. Jenny is a thirty something dance instructor with an up and coming studio. She has a hard time making ends meet and taming her curly red hair. Tate, her boyfriend, is cool, and of course, a cop. As in most novels of this type, the romance seems a bit forced, and though you want them to end up together, you're not sure why they like each other so much. My favorite supporting player is Sal, the Mormon, Samoan, hip-hop dance teacher.

I like the fact that the books were set in the dance world. I have taken years of dance classes and have a good idea of what the "Psycho Dance Moms" are like. The plots of both of these books involve murders and dance competitions and if you have ever been involved in the world of theater, dance, and stage moms, this does not seem so far fetched. I enjoyed the continuum of the books and the fact that it seems like Natalie Roberts planned for the entire story line instead of just spitting out one book after another. Jenny's love life and the story arc about a mysterious Hummer SUV span all three books. Both books were fun to read and fast paced, and both kept me guessing who done it up until the end.

The biggest recommendation I can give for these books is that when I finished Pointe and Shoot, I wanted to read more about Jenny and Tate and the wacky dance world that Jenny lives in. I went to my computer and looked on Natalie M. Roberts' website to see if there was a forth book. So far, there isn't. And if Ms Roberts happens to read this, please write one, as I look forward to reading it.

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